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Wednesday, December 24, 2008
I. Ten Benefits to Maintaining Good Relationships
Strong positive relationships are essential to achieving our success - whether they are work relationships, family relationships or relationships with others in our communities. We're in almost constant contact with others and we should make every contact an opportunity to strengthen our social skills and reinforce our relationships.
With that in mind, here are ten benefits for maintaining good long-term relationships:
1. Trust: Long-term relationships are based on trust. When we trust others, we are more relaxed, comfortable and willing to be ourselves without any pretenses or trying to maintain a facade of someone we're not.
2. Acceptance: Once we experience trust with others, we can be honest about our weaknesses and shortcomings because we're confident that we will be accepted for who we are, without judgment or criticism.
3. Support: Our lives go through many changes, some planned and some take us by surprise. In either case, they often take us out of our comfort zone and challenge us to grow and become more than we were before. Good, healthy relationships give us the support and encouragement we need to rise to new and different challenges.
4. A Kind Ear: Having someone who will listen non-judgmentally when you're feeling down or frustrated and want to "vent" gives you the freedom to express yourself. Sometimes you just need to get something off your chest without feeling like you have to watch every word you say.
5. Understanding: When someone knows you well enough to understand where you're "coming from" and instantly know the context in which you're speaking, it's easier to open up. Individuals in long-term relationships have a history of shared experiences that build a mutual understanding so they "get you" without a lot of explanation.
6. Someone to Call On When You Need a Hand: Everyone, from time to time, needs a hand from a friend, colleague, peer, or family member. This can be in the form of advice, a new job, or assistance with a particular project in which you need to call on another's expertise.
7. Referrals and References: You can count on the people with whom you have a good relationship to give you a positive reference or referral - they're more likely to be a good advocate for you and expound on your strengths and strong points.
8. Share and Celebrate: Celebrating with people who truly care about you and want celebrate with you when your life is going well, when you secured a promotion, or when bought your first house is a ton fun. Being acknowledged for your accomplishments is a rewarding experience and when you have good relationships, most want to be part of celebrating your success.
9. Reduced Stress: Sharing your life with friends and coworkers who you trust, who accept, understand and support you reduces stress because you have camaraderie and, therefore, less potential for interpersonal conflicts. Good relationships bring about the best in work teams and families by reducing the anxieties that cause stress and, at the same time, good relationships cultivate a sense of well-being and emotional security.
10. Happiness and Satisfaction: Having good relationships mean that there's a mutual like for one another. Being around people you like and who like you create situations that are harmonious, supportive, and well, happy. You have an overall feeling of satisfaction in your life - be it at work, at home, or in your community.
Now, here are ten benefits others will receive from having a good relationship with you:
1. Trust
2. Acceptance
3. Support
4. A Kind Ear
5. Understanding
6. Someone to Call On When You Need a Hand
7. Referrals and References
8. Share and Celebrate
9. Reduce Stress
10. Happiness and Satisfaction
Did you notice that the list was exactly the same?
The strongest and best relationships are made when all parties give and receive. If you want these ten benefits for yourself, you have to give them to others.
Too often we look at relationships with a "what-do-I-get-out-of-this?" perspective. That's not how good relationships work. It's about give and take.
Think about what you want out of a relationship, then give it. You'll be surprised at how much better your relationships become!
II.10 Ways To Make Your Interviewer Love You!
It can be tough to be an interviewer. Clients on your back to be thorough, yet fast in creating employees they want. So they will need your help - and that can, in turn, help you too!
And then to make a pretty important judgement of the capability of the individual. It’s a tough life on the end of an assessment sheet!
So, the big opportunity for you is to get in their and make their life so much easier. By doing this, not only will you stand a far better chance of being successful, because you get to tell your story, but you will also get them onside for you when it matters.
And, did I mention that you will go into the meeting, clear on your tactics, in much more control than you might have before. Which gives you confidence - all the more important then!
So what can you do.
Here are Ten Ways to successfully have someone interview you!
1. You listen well and pay full attention
By paying full attention you show your interviewer that they matter; they are important and above all, you care and respect them!
2. You just as interested in them
Tricky in an interview as they want to know about you, but it needs to be what they see! Self-preservation and looking after yourself are the most important and primitive of behaviors - but in building great relationships, it’s vital to show the other person is the one that matters most in the moment!
3. You keep promises and do what you say you will
By answering fully, giving information they need, you are delivering what you say you will, which is a big asset for you, as long as you are completely consistent and true.
4. You are supportive of them in the conversation
By working with them to give them the information they need it will be to your advantage. This is not the time to get awkward and be difficult. Be on their side, help them to help you!
5. You share resources
Sometimes, during an interview you will sense that you know more about something than they do - and often its resources that you have and they don’t. By offering to supply these to them after the event, you will create a two-way process and that emotionally binds them to your side.
6. You aren’t judgemental, but very objective
This is a big talent, if you can do it. IT’s so easy to judge and make assumptions when you are under pressure (some people do this all the time), yet if you can suspending that sort of behavior is of value. It leads them to realize that you are generous and understanding as well as capable of making decision based on real fact and not on hearsay.
7. You talk less than you listen (see a pattern here!)
In an interview, this is pretty difficult and, of course should be. Its going to be your job to do most of the talking. Yet, there will be moments where you can listen and showing that you are doing make the interviewer-interviewee relationship much stronger. Also bear in mind that you can show this off to it’s full potential before and after the formal process.
8. You make time for them
A little like the point above - and more. Sometimes in a conversation, formal or otherwise, you can sense when someone wants to talk a little about something. Being generous enough to make that space for them, despite your own challenges on the day, is a really strong and memorable relationship builder. By asking the open questions to find out more to encourage their thinking, works well.
9. You say ’yes’ when you can and ’no’ when you can’t - and are honest about it
It can be easy to make the wrong call here. Interviewers recognise integrity - and a lack of it. By agreeing or disagreeing to something, when your body language, voice and general demeanour say otherwise, is a clear indication that you are not being completely honest.
10. You are encouraging, enthusiastic, supportive and challenging
During an interview you will have the opportunity to use all these - and by doing so you will be able to show yourself off for who you truly are. The real you needs to be able to demonstrate them, in your control, in your 15 minutes of fame here.
Great relationships are hard to come by - yet in us all is the potential to create unlimited numbers of wonderful allies - including those who take the time and energy to interview us.
I.GED: A Needed Edge in the Soft Economy
All over the country, people are worried about the economy. The word “recession” is all over the news. And the people at the highest risk of suffering from a poor economy are the 39 million Americans who don’t have a high school diploma. As jobs get scarcer, more highly qualified workers are on the job market, looking for employment. In an economy where, in some job markets, 75% or more of jobs require a high school degree, the prospects for someone without one are already slim. As jobs become more competitive, people without a GED or high school diploma are the most likely to find themselves without employment.
When the economy begins to look shaky, people tend not to want to make changes in their lives. They put off buying new things, and that includes investing in their education. But the truth is that, when the economy is soft, it’s the worst time to put off pursuing better education. If you’ve been thinking about getting that GED, there has never been a better time. A small investment in studying for and taking the GED exam can lead to a much more secure future and put you in a better position if you need to search for a job.
The GED can be fast and easy. By taking a practice test, many people find that they can already pass one or more of the five tests on the GED exam: social studies, science, reading, writing, and math. One caution: the GED cannot be taken online. It can only be taken at an official testing center. However, it is possible to study for the GED test online. The test is inexpensive, and the test-taker receives a credential from their state government.
Passing the GED shows that you’ve mastered the most important skills from high school: communication, basic math, and most importantly, critical thinking skills. It also shows that you have the perseverance and commitment to prepare for and complete the exam. These are the qualities employers look for: commitment, perseverance, and critical thinking. Although the GED is challenging, it’s also achievable. With focused study and personal dedication, the millions of Americans who missed out on high school can get a second chance. Many GED study programs are available to help.
In dollars and cents, a GED means earning up to $350,000 more over your lifetime—and possibly much more, even as much as a million dollars more, if you go on to trade school, community college, or a university. More urgently, a GED can mean job security and a better resume, greater respect and more possibilities for the future.
II. Methods Of The Classical Education
Parents who are interested in the classical education method often articulate the worry that the curriculum will be too rigorous for their children. Discipline and a challenging curriculum are definitely part of the classical education method.
However, this doesn't mean that education has to be boring. The classical education method actually reinforces the idea that students should be encouraged to do what they find naturally enjoyable during certain phases in their lives.
Take, for example, children in the grammar stage: They're excellent when it comes to memorizing things. They love reciting their ABCs and other songs. They love it so much that they often come up with their own songs. The classical education method capitalizes on this by teaching children concrete facts.
If you have ever had a child in the junior high years you are probably aware that children in this stage are very likely to question and argue. The classical education method applies this tendency to logic and reasoning.
This is when children are prepared to learn how to argue and form judgments based on the facts they learned in the first stage.
After a child moves on to the final stage, normally the high school years, they start moving beyond internal concerns and focus on external issues.
It is at this stage that teenagers become self-conscious, more concerned about how people see them. The rhetoric stage encourages them to share thoughts and ideas in a way that can be readily understood.
Children can achieve a true sense of success with the classical education method. Since the classical education method applies an objective standard to children, they get a better grasp of what they can do and what they can't do. This method of education gives children a practical and more accurate assessment of their abilities.
Hard work, learning, and fun can be successfully mixed together. Learning should be fun and challenging in all stages. When children are able to learn using methods that accommodate their natural development, learning becomes fun.
Children can be excited by learning. Children learn to better appreciate education with the classical education method, and it encourages them to pursue even more knowledge on their own.
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I.Copywriting For Your SEO Way of Promoting Your Website
Search engine optimization or SEO is a broad term that has many sub categories. There is a lot that can be done to and for a website with the help of search engine optimization.
Two aspects that are involved within search engine optimization are article promotion and SEO copywriting. These are important to the positioning of your website within the search engine results as the search engines mainly pick up on the text that is used on your website and for more detail go to: the text that is used to promote your website; you need to make sure that your website is keyword rich and the best and most effective way of doing this is to use the help of SEO copywriting.
Copywriting refers to the text that actually appears on your site and article promotion refers to pieces of text that are written and distribution to article directories as a way of promoting your website. Both of these are important when it comes to the success of your website.
When you are undertaking both copywriting and article promotion you need to make sure that you keep in mind what people are likely to search for to reach your website; so if your website is based on providing an auto repair service then you have to put yourself in the position of your potential customer and think about how this customer is going to reach your website. Most people reach the website that they purchase goods or a service from via search engines so your website needs to be in the top positions of these search engines, this is because people are most likely to use a website for their needs that appears in the first three pages of search engine results. So when you are putting yourself in the position of your customer you need to start going over what you would type into a search engine if you needed an auto repair. Car repair, auto repair shops, garages and car mechanics are just a few examples of what people may type into the search engines; to get your auto repair website to appear in these results you need to make sure that these search phrases appear within your website, which is where copywriting comes into play.
Once the copywriting duties have been performed on your website and your site is keyword rich you can then move onto the article promotion of your website. Within article promotion you look at the pages of your website and for more detail go to: you then write promotion articles based on certain pages of your website so you may write an article promoting a specific product or service that your website has to offer, whilst keeping your keywords in mind at all times.
Copywriting and article promotion are proven ways of ensuring that your website performs better within the search engine results. If done correctly copywriting and article promotion could be the difference between your website appearing on the first page of the search engine results and the fourth page.
Some of you may be thinking now that this is all well and good but you may not have the time for copywriting and article promotion or your writing skills may not be up to scratch but don’t worry there are professional companies available who are able to do this writing for you; just look around the Internet and you will find a company in minutes who can offer you all the best in copywriting and article promotion.
II.How Affiliate Marketing Can Help Your Business
How do you go about advertising your business online? This article will provide you with information about affiliate marketing and how you can employ regular users to advertise your business and increase traffic! Whether you're a small business just starting out or a large corporation, the following information will be beneficial to you.
Adding an affiliate marketing program to your marketing plan can be one of the most cost-effective and easiest ways for your organization to advertise. By offering an affiliate marketing program to your users, you can increase traffic, gain more online exposure and pay only when results are produced.
What is Affiliate Marketing?
The concept of affiliate marketing began as a revenue-sharing program where businesses paid commission to people who referred new business. When it was finally introduced online, affiliate marketing quickly became a useful marketing tool that helped grow fledgling businesses like CDNow and Amazon into e-commerce powerhouses. During November 1994, CDNOW launched its BuyWeb program. In July 1996, Amazon launched an "associates" program and now counts hundreds of thousands of sites in its network.
The basic model for affiliate marketing works like this: A website owner registers with your company's affiliate marketing program. After receiving approval, he or she then puts various links, banners, videos and/or products on their web site. When visitors click through on these links and purchase or sign up for something, the web site owner is paid a commission for generating business for your company.
Websites and services based on Web 2.0 concepts blogging and interactive online communities, for example have impacted the affiliate marketing world as well. Today, you can find traces of affiliate marketing campaigns just about everywhere you look online. They are in the form of banner ads, videos, podcasts, blogs, and more. They are on e-commerce sites, Facebook accounts, personal webpages even a MySpace page.
There are basically three ways to increase traffic and revenue through affiliate marketing:
Pay Per Click Affiliate Marketing - Every time an internet user click on the affiliate link at the affiliate website and follows that link to the merchant's website, a certain amount of money is deposited in the affiliate's account. This amount can be pennies or dollars depending on the product and amount of the commission.
Pay Per Sale Affiliate Marketing - Every time an affiliate website sends a visitor to your site via advertising and it results in a sale, a commission is deposited into the affiliate's account.
Pay Per Lead Affiliate Marketing - Every time an affiliate website sends a visitor to your site via advertising and it results in a subscription, a flat-rate amount is deposited into the affiliate's account.
Both online retailers and consumers like affiliate marketing programs because, in most cases, it offers a performance-based pay scale. The more an affiliate sells for a company, the more commission they make. If an affiliate sells nothing, they make nothing and lose nothing. Retailers love this model because they do not incur a marketing expense unless an affiliate produces sales, and they reap the benefits of branding, online advertising, impressions and increased web traffic.
I.Is The Human Body A Body Of Information?
A study done by the University of Michigan found that 51% of overweight adults and 33% of obese adults have normal levels of blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides. The study also found that 25% of adults in the recommended weight range have unhealthy levels of at least 2 of those. This means the standard weight/height ratio isn't an accurate predictor of health risks. Waist size is a much more accurate predictor. Both the healthy overweight/obese adults and those in the recommended weight range had smaller waists than their counterparts who had at least 2 or more risk factors. For good health, waist not - want not.
A study done by neurobiologists at Cornell University suggests that humans' ability to speak evolved from the tiny lobe at the base of the brain of grunting toadfish. According to the scientists, toadfish evolved into amphibians, which evolved into mammals, which - millions of years later - evolved into humans. Neurobiologist Andrew Bass says the area of our brain that now controls speech is just a more evolved version of the grunting toadfish's lobe. Maybe, but more study is needed to find out if this finding sinks or swims.
A recent study done by 2 Australian researchers found that pregnancy can cause memory loss, a loss that is subtle and usually involves unfamiliar or demanding tasks. For example, a pregnant woman is likely to forget a new phone number, but is able to remember one she has called many times. Although further research is needed to determine if this memory loss is caused by hormonal changes, life shift or lack of sleep, the loss can continue after the baby's birth. Of course, if lack of sleep is the cause, pregnant women should not expect to get their memories back until their babies are in college.
Finally, E.C. Segar, the creator of Popeye, based his spinach-eating, muscle-popping character on an 1870 German study, which concluded spinach would make big muscles because it contained as much iron as red meat. Wrong. The scientists had gotten a decimal point in the wrong place. Then there was a recent study from Rutgers University that said spinach contains phytoecdysteroids, which speed up muscle growth by 20%. Right, but you'd have to eat 2.2 pounds of spinach a day. Realistically, the only change spinach is going to make in our appearance is when it gets stuck in our front teeth.
II.How To Become A Full-fledged Comedian
You’ve finally gotten tired of your boring nine to five job and decided to become a comedian. You think you have that unmistakable talent that would make audiences burst out in laughter. For someone like you that enjoys humor, it’s an appealing job. But how exactly do you go from an everyday person to full-fledged comedian?
The first step on your journey to become a comedian is to study the greats that have come before you. You can do this by renting videos of stand-up routines done by the likes of Jerry Seinfeld, Adam Sandler and Chris Rock. Study how they go about their routines and why they are funny. Learn about timing and notice how every comic has a different persona. Being unique is the ultimate goal that could ensure you getting laughs.
The second step to become a comedian is to write your own routine. Write everyday about what you know and then put a comedic spin into it. Go with what interests you and what interests other people. Celebrity impersonations, musical gags, and the use of props are just some of the things that you could do in your routine. Take note of having setups as transitions from one joke to another.
The next step to become a comedian is to train for the stage. Taking improvisational acting classes and public speaking classes can help make you a better performer. Part of being a comedian is your confidence on stage. Memorize your routine and run it with a test audience. Make changes to your routine based on the reactions that you get. Also, be prepared for those that would heckle you during your routine. To become a comedian is to have a thick skin and taking everything with a grain of salt.
To become a comedian, you need to start somewhere. Start out by joining open mics to see how you are received. The practice you get from performing for different audiences can represent your growth as a comedian. Once you’ve mastered the open mics, you can now head to the big comedy clubs.
But to become a comedian that would be deemed, at the very least, good, you need to avoid some amateur mistakes like thinking you can do better than others before you, thinking you can be famous easily, talking badly about other comedians, blaming the audience for having a less than successful show or reacting badly to hecklers.
Remember that to become a comedian is no easy task. Persistence is key. It’s a hard road as it does not necessarily bring in big money. But if you have the qualities for the job, you should know how to have fun along the way.
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I.A Great Use for Audio Books
If you want to talk about technology creating a feel good humanitarian story, then look no further than audio books for the blind.
We live in a world where information travels through the form of computer screens, newspapers and textbooks. Blind people have long struggled with many of the things that most people take for granted, including the ability to simply open a book, magazine, or newspaper and read the contents.
Additionally, using a computer and the internet to obtain information is much more difficult for visually impaired people. While it's true that Braille is one method for visually impaired people to enjoy the written word and gain knowledge, conventional feel-reading can be expensive and, therefore, not very helpful to many blind people.
When audio books for blind people were developed, it opened many doors for the blind, allowing them to easily get information, hear a story, and stay updated on current events.
With the mass production of audio books for the blind, and others, visually impaired people for the first time are able to really go online right now and download dozens of different audio books for themselves. With this, they have the ability to learn for free or cheaply in a way that has not been available to them before.
It is clear that audio books for the blind have really helped many people obtain an education that they would not have had ten or in some cases even five years ago, and it is yet another example of how the technological world we live in has created huge advantages for people everywhere.
No subject is off limits where audio books for the blind are concerned, so visually impaired people today are able to educate themselves in subjects like art, music, drama, economics, history, geography and literature to a point that was unattainable for the average blind person just a few years ago.
Great advances that have been made in blind education through audio books in the core areas of reading, writing, mathematics and science, and as a result, blind people are able to easily access educational audio books.
Audio books for the blind can also be obtained simply for the pleasure of reading a story. There are thousands of books available in audio formats that can be easily accessed for enjoyment by visually impaired people, and this includes popular and contemporary authors, fiction books of all genres, and non-fiction works as well.
Technology has come a long way in helping impaired or disabled individuals, and audio books for the blind are a perfect example of how modern technological advances can do good in the world.
II.Love Literature
Disclaimer: this article may induce feelings of nausea, disgust, or produce a generally bad temper that could result in violence towards floppy haired students.
The arts are an incredibly powerful medium for affecting people. They are the oldest form of mass entertainment, have inspired enormous buildings devoted solely to the purpose of their practice from the time of the Greeks, through the Romans and down to the present day. They have, at their best, a power to affect people, inspire people, and create revolutionary movements.
All too often literature is sneered upon - the arts are sneered upon. They are thrown to one side and discarded as pursuits for those who enjoy practicing their own pretentiousness and for people who like to read too deeply into things that should just be enjoyed and forgotten about.
The most famous books of all time? Religious texts. There are more editions of The Bible in publication than any other single book on the planet, and it has outsold Harry Potter, the Lord of the Rings, The Da Vinci Code and every classic by Dickens and Austin and anyone else you like put together. Whilst some would be offended at The Bible being classed as literature, that's what it is, whether factual, fictional, somewhere between the two, or merely educational, it is literature, and the world has been changed by it's influence.
The Bible is perhaps an extreme example of the power of literature, but it can be used as proof nonetheless. At it's best literature inspires people, it can stretch out imaginations and our horizons, lead us to examine our own actions and emotions, and look at those of others in new light. Literature, it could be argued, is the most powerful medium for exploring the human experience that there is. By the fact that reading is the most individual of actions, that most subjective of experiences, the same book can work on different people in a hundred different ways and still have a power for each one. Only the arts can do that, and only literature can do that to the same degree.
So in a world that people increasingly complain is too cynical, that we are all going to hell in a handbasket, literature and the arts can provide a different option, give inspiration when it seems that there is nothing more that can be achieved. It seems that hope and inspiration, even aspiration are all too often in short supply, people that would have been considered heroes are now marketed to the point that their real purpose is all but forgotten.
Literature has been watered down, the written word murdered by autobiographies from people with nothing to say, all too often people try to achieve something spectacular and fail, but literature is one of the few mediums where everyday people are trying to push the boundaries and everyone hopes to creating something mesmerising. Surely now, more than ever, a return to a literature that makes people aspire and imagine better things is what is required.
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