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Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I.GED: A Needed Edge in the Soft Economy

All over the country, people are worried about the economy. The word “recession” is all over the news. And the people at the highest risk of suffering from a poor economy are the 39 million Americans who don’t have a high school diploma. As jobs get scarcer, more highly qualified workers are on the job market, looking for employment. In an economy where, in some job markets, 75% or more of jobs require a high school degree, the prospects for someone without one are already slim. As jobs become more competitive, people without a GED or high school diploma are the most likely to find themselves without employment.

When the economy begins to look shaky, people tend not to want to make changes in their lives. They put off buying new things, and that includes investing in their education. But the truth is that, when the economy is soft, it’s the worst time to put off pursuing better education. If you’ve been thinking about getting that GED, there has never been a better time. A small investment in studying for and taking the GED exam can lead to a much more secure future and put you in a better position if you need to search for a job.

The GED can be fast and easy. By taking a practice test, many people find that they can already pass one or more of the five tests on the GED exam: social studies, science, reading, writing, and math. One caution: the GED cannot be taken online. It can only be taken at an official testing center. However, it is possible to study for the GED test online. The test is inexpensive, and the test-taker receives a credential from their state government.

Passing the GED shows that you’ve mastered the most important skills from high school: communication, basic math, and most importantly, critical thinking skills. It also shows that you have the perseverance and commitment to prepare for and complete the exam. These are the qualities employers look for: commitment, perseverance, and critical thinking. Although the GED is challenging, it’s also achievable. With focused study and personal dedication, the millions of Americans who missed out on high school can get a second chance. Many GED study programs are available to help.

In dollars and cents, a GED means earning up to $350,000 more over your lifetime—and possibly much more, even as much as a million dollars more, if you go on to trade school, community college, or a university. More urgently, a GED can mean job security and a better resume, greater respect and more possibilities for the future.

II. Methods Of The Classical Education

Parents who are interested in the classical education method often articulate the worry that the curriculum will be too rigorous for their children. Discipline and a challenging curriculum are definitely part of the classical education method.

However, this doesn't mean that education has to be boring. The classical education method actually reinforces the idea that students should be encouraged to do what they find naturally enjoyable during certain phases in their lives.

Take, for example, children in the grammar stage: They're excellent when it comes to memorizing things. They love reciting their ABCs and other songs. They love it so much that they often come up with their own songs. The classical education method capitalizes on this by teaching children concrete facts.

If you have ever had a child in the junior high years you are probably aware that children in this stage are very likely to question and argue. The classical education method applies this tendency to logic and reasoning.

This is when children are prepared to learn how to argue and form judgments based on the facts they learned in the first stage.

After a child moves on to the final stage, normally the high school years, they start moving beyond internal concerns and focus on external issues.

It is at this stage that teenagers become self-conscious, more concerned about how people see them. The rhetoric stage encourages them to share thoughts and ideas in a way that can be readily understood.

Children can achieve a true sense of success with the classical education method. Since the classical education method applies an objective standard to children, they get a better grasp of what they can do and what they can't do. This method of education gives children a practical and more accurate assessment of their abilities.

Hard work, learning, and fun can be successfully mixed together. Learning should be fun and challenging in all stages. When children are able to learn using methods that accommodate their natural development, learning becomes fun.

Children can be excited by learning. Children learn to better appreciate education with the classical education method, and it encourages them to pursue even more knowledge on their own.

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