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Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I.Is The Human Body A Body Of Information?

A study done by the University of Michigan found that 51% of overweight adults and 33% of obese adults have normal levels of blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides. The study also found that 25% of adults in the recommended weight range have unhealthy levels of at least 2 of those. This means the standard weight/height ratio isn't an accurate predictor of health risks. Waist size is a much more accurate predictor. Both the healthy overweight/obese adults and those in the recommended weight range had smaller waists than their counterparts who had at least 2 or more risk factors. For good health, waist not - want not.

A study done by neurobiologists at Cornell University suggests that humans' ability to speak evolved from the tiny lobe at the base of the brain of grunting toadfish. According to the scientists, toadfish evolved into amphibians, which evolved into mammals, which - millions of years later - evolved into humans. Neurobiologist Andrew Bass says the area of our brain that now controls speech is just a more evolved version of the grunting toadfish's lobe. Maybe, but more study is needed to find out if this finding sinks or swims.

A recent study done by 2 Australian researchers found that pregnancy can cause memory loss, a loss that is subtle and usually involves unfamiliar or demanding tasks. For example, a pregnant woman is likely to forget a new phone number, but is able to remember one she has called many times. Although further research is needed to determine if this memory loss is caused by hormonal changes, life shift or lack of sleep, the loss can continue after the baby's birth. Of course, if lack of sleep is the cause, pregnant women should not expect to get their memories back until their babies are in college.

Finally, E.C. Segar, the creator of Popeye, based his spinach-eating, muscle-popping character on an 1870 German study, which concluded spinach would make big muscles because it contained as much iron as red meat. Wrong. The scientists had gotten a decimal point in the wrong place. Then there was a recent study from Rutgers University that said spinach contains phytoecdysteroids, which speed up muscle growth by 20%. Right, but you'd have to eat 2.2 pounds of spinach a day. Realistically, the only change spinach is going to make in our appearance is when it gets stuck in our front teeth.

II.How To Become A Full-fledged Comedian

You’ve finally gotten tired of your boring nine to five job and decided to become a comedian. You think you have that unmistakable talent that would make audiences burst out in laughter. For someone like you that enjoys humor, it’s an appealing job. But how exactly do you go from an everyday person to full-fledged comedian?

The first step on your journey to become a comedian is to study the greats that have come before you. You can do this by renting videos of stand-up routines done by the likes of Jerry Seinfeld, Adam Sandler and Chris Rock. Study how they go about their routines and why they are funny. Learn about timing and notice how every comic has a different persona. Being unique is the ultimate goal that could ensure you getting laughs.

The second step to become a comedian is to write your own routine. Write everyday about what you know and then put a comedic spin into it. Go with what interests you and what interests other people. Celebrity impersonations, musical gags, and the use of props are just some of the things that you could do in your routine. Take note of having setups as transitions from one joke to another.

The next step to become a comedian is to train for the stage. Taking improvisational acting classes and public speaking classes can help make you a better performer. Part of being a comedian is your confidence on stage. Memorize your routine and run it with a test audience. Make changes to your routine based on the reactions that you get. Also, be prepared for those that would heckle you during your routine. To become a comedian is to have a thick skin and taking everything with a grain of salt.

To become a comedian, you need to start somewhere. Start out by joining open mics to see how you are received. The practice you get from performing for different audiences can represent your growth as a comedian. Once you’ve mastered the open mics, you can now head to the big comedy clubs.

But to become a comedian that would be deemed, at the very least, good, you need to avoid some amateur mistakes like thinking you can do better than others before you, thinking you can be famous easily, talking badly about other comedians, blaming the audience for having a less than successful show or reacting badly to hecklers.

Remember that to become a comedian is no easy task. Persistence is key. It’s a hard road as it does not necessarily bring in big money. But if you have the qualities for the job, you should know how to have fun along the way.

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